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Greg Friese's Home Page

Fourth Grade Teacher


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Greg Friese
Greg Friese image

Conference Time:  8:35 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.

This is my twenty-seventh year of teaching.  In chronological order, I taught six years in first grade, three years in second grade, five years in third grade, two years in fifth grade, one year in sixth grade, two years in fifth grade, and I am currently in my eighth year of teaching fourth grade.  I have been married to my wife (Elise) for 26 years.  Elise is a secondary teacher in the Mid-Del Public Schools System.  I am blessed to be the father of two boys that went to Guthrie Public Schools their entire school years.  Over those school years, we participated in many of their school activities and their football, baseball, and wrestling activities.  Today, one of them is a Machinist and the other one is in the Space Force.  Now...we rely on road trips to have family outings.



Phone: (405) 282-0352 Email: Greg Friese Central Elementary