JH Choir

For the 3rd year in a row, Guthrie Junior High is home to an OSSAA Superior Choir!! Good work everyone!
We are about a month away from school being out, but I wanted to remind everyone about our final concert rapidly approaching!
The concert is for all students in the 7th and 8th grade choirs, regardless of eligibility. It will take place in the High School cafeteria, at 7 pm on Monday, May 20th. The dress code for performers is formal (think “Sunday best”), or their all black choir uniform. All performers need to be in the band room by 6:45 to sign in. In addition, after the concert we have a short after concert desert party. This takes minimal time and effort as long as everyone participates. The following are the responsibilities of each student:
7th Grade – Any type of school appropriate beverage (2 liter of soda, gallon of tea, etc)
8th grade Girls – Any dessert item (cookies, cake, pie, etc)
8th grade boys – Paper goods/untensils. We will assign during class.
If any parent is willing or interested in helping set up, feel free to call me at the Junior High 282-5936. This just consists of moving 3 tables and helping direct any food that arrives.
I look forward to seeing everyone and closing the year out on a good note!
Girls – There is a little more leeway, but always use your best judgment as to what looks “dressy” enough. Also all black, black dress pants or dress/skirt, black blouse/dress shirt (no designs or words please), black shoes (let’s try to stay away from tall heels, as they will be standing on risers for the entire concert), and black socks or hose as needed.
If you have any questions regarding anything pertaining to the concert, feel free to contact me at the Junior High (282-5936) or email at geoff.webb@guthrieps.net.