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FCCLA is the student-run organization tied to FACS classes. FCCLA stands for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. The goal of FCCLA is to help young adults assume their roles in society through Family and Consumer Sciences in areas such as personal growth, family life, vocational preparation, and community involvement.
Dues are $30 (if you participate in the fundraisers), and pay for National and Oklahoma affiliation, and lunch at meetings. If you don't want to participate in fundraisers, dues are $75. If you want to join FCCLA, but can't afford the $30 dues, please see Mrs. Moore. We will find a way for you to be involved!
This year's FCCLA will be more involved, more organized, and more spectacular! We have several fun activities planned, more delicious lunches to eat, and more chances for you to gain leadership skills and improve your community!
More Guthrie FCCLA information coming soon!