Looking for a job? We are proud of our District and are continually striving to enhance our staff of professionals with great teachers and staff. Click here to view open positions.
Our district is comprised of approximately 3000 students. We have four elementary schools, Central Elementary, Charter Oak Elementary, Cotteral Elementary and Fogarty Elementary host our PreK - 4th grades. Our upper elementary, GUES, houses grades 5 & 6. The Junior High encompasses our 7th and 8th graders. Guthrie High School is home to almost one thousand 9th through 12th graders.
We are pleased to offer you our on-line application system. This process allows applicants to submit their application and any supporting documentation via the Internet. If you do not have Internet access, a kiosk with computer and scanner are available during normal business hours at the Board of Education as well as at the Guthrie Public Library. Assistance with the process is always available.
Note: SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS -- please click here for information on becoming a substitute with Guthrie Public Schools.
Click here to access our School Recruiter program. Click on any job title to begin the application process. You will receive a confirmation e-mail once your application has been received. You can check the status of your application online at any time. Once you have completed the initial registration process, simply log in to the program in the upper left corner of the opening screen.
With BlueJay Pride, thank you for your interest in Guthrie Public Schools.