BOE Overview
Guthrie Board of Education
The Guthrie Board of Education is a legislative body of seven (7) members elected by a vote of the district. The board of education derives its authority from the state legislature. The board’s power is judicial and legislative, and the superintendent elected by the board serves as its executive officer. When not in legal session, a board member has no legal authority whatsoever.
The legislative function of the board is to make plans and policies, select the superintendent, and delegate to the superintendent the placing, of plans and policies into operation, and provide the financial means for their achievement.
Our democratic form of government and our way of life depends to a great extent upon how well the public schools do the job of educating our students and training them for responsible citizenship. This is the purpose for which the system of free public schools exists.
Inherent in our philosophy of life in the
The basic foundation of our educational system rests in the principles set forth in our country’s constitution, therefore, our function in the Guthrie Public Schools is to provide the opportunity for each student to develop the skills and attitudes which will promote these ideals. To achieve this end, the school will attempt to foster adequate emotional stability, intellectual understanding, physical development, and social competence.
The school will take its place beside the home and the church in helping each child establish standards by which he/she may develop qualities and attitudes that will enrich and strengthen his/her life.
The Guthrie Public School District believes in the worth and dignity of each individual, in that people are our greatest resource and children are our future. The following beliefs are based on this premise:
All people can learn, given appropriate opportunity and support.
Prevention is preferable to remediation.
High expectations produce high achievers.
The teaching-learning process is the primary function of this district.
Diversity enriches life.
Everyone is entitled to a safe, caring educational environment.
Education is a partnership with student, home, school, and community.
Mutual trust will exist within the school environment.