The attendance policy is copied directly from the Guthrie Public Schools Elementary Handbook. It is extremely important the students be at school everyday.
It is of utmost importance that students attend school every day. Irregular attendance is the
most frequent cause of unsatisfactory work and school failures. When a student is unable
to attend school, parents should notify the school by calling between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30
a.m. Parents should give the student's name and teacher's name. Assignments not
completed due to an absence are expected to be made up. If a student is absent 10
consecutive days, the student will be dropped from the school roll. The parent must
re-enroll the student upon return to school. It is the policy of the Guthrie Board of
Education that a student is required to be in attendance a minimum of 90% of each
semester. After the fifth and seventh unexcused absence during a semester a letter from
the principal will be sent home. After the tenth unexcused absence the parent or guardian
will be reported to the District Attorney for violation of truancy laws.
Tardies disrupt the instructional process and the time lost from class is irretrievable,
particularly in terms of opportunity for interaction and exchange between students and
teachers. Therefore, classroom punctuality is considered to be an integral part of the
student's course of study. Six (6) tardies will equal one (1) absence.
Parents are discouraged from picking up students early on a regular basis as this disrupts
the educational process and creates a loss of irretrievable instructional time. If a child is to
be dismissed early, a written note is desired. A student must be signed out by a parent or
guardian through the office. Six (6) early checkouts will equal one (1) absence.
In addition it is policy of Fogarty Elementary that all students remain in the classroom during instructional time. If you call the office to check out your child, we will not call the student out of the classroom until you arrive to sign them out.
Exceptions may be made in emergency circumstances.